Teams & Training
To get the best in terms of progress for players at EUKC, it is essential that teams interact, talk to each other and work together. There is no sense in trying to teach a team complex attacking moves when they do not have the basics down.
A team can do incredibly well in attack if they can do three simple things: Pass, Shoot and Collect. Similarly, in defence, a solid Front defence with no feeds, and the collect challenging for the ball as soon as the shot goes up will beat most teams. Most importantly, these are the cornerstones of First Team level play. Against the best teams, without exception, you will not win if you can’t Pass, Shoot, Collect and Front defend. Other tactics can come later.
COMMUNICATION is always essential. For EVERY TEAM.
This Section is about what we’re looking to coach in each training session: Club training, 3rds/4ths, 2nds and 1sts. It provides general tips and information for coaching each team.
3rds & 4ths
Team Dynamics
Club Training
Shooting Training