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Without a doubt, the most important things in the EUKC set up are the coaches. Without them, there would be no training. This means, as a coach, you have a pretty big responsibility to the club. However, it also means the club has a MASSIVE responsibility to you.

Don’t ever be afraid to give feedback, to anyone. And don’t ever be too proud to take it.

A coach’s greatest assets are those around him/her. Ask people’s opinions, ask them to watch you coach and give feedback, even ask your players what they thought of certain drills etc. It all helps.

Make sure you put yourself forward as a coach, don’t let yourself get left behind. Everyone has different coaching and organisational styles, but it doesn’t mean that those who jump forward fastest should always take the leading role.

Coaching Co-ordinators – make sure every coach is being heard in trainings and in game-time. If it’s a case of too many coaches spoiling the team-talk, make sure that there are games/training sessions when certain coaches are made to take control while others stay in the background – as long as everyone gets a fair chance.

One of the least helpful things as a coach is to try to explain a skill with another person adding in their thoughts at every opportunity. You end up with a situation where your players have heard twenty-seven ‘one-final-thing’s about a skill and can’t remember what on earth they are supposed to be doing in the first place.

Just remember, you’ve been given an opportunity – make the most of it, don’t hold back.