Kit Secretary

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Key Roles:

  • Order playing kit, committee t-shirts and leisurewear for the club
  • Manage equipment e.g. posts, balls, bibs etc.
  • Ensure teams have a full set of kit and back-up bibs for each fixture. If you’d rather be more hands-off, give out each team’s kit to the captain/coaches at the beginning of the year; just be aware that PlayerLayer stuff is needed for tournaments.

The Year as Kit Sec:

  • Pretty much as soon as you take on the role, order the committee t-shirts so that they are ready for freshers week festivities! For the 2015/16 season we used PlayerLayer, they were really slow and kept mucking up the order. May have just been teething problems in their first season with us.
  • It’s possible to do a leisure-wear order through the PlayerLayer rep (big bulk order in summer), but normally individual club members will buy their own throughout the course of the season.
  • Keep tabs on equipment, especially balls, bibs and posts as they tend to get moved around locations. Look into the possibility of getting a sign in/out sheet at each location.

Summary: Kit sec is not an easy ride like some people think when applying for the position. It takes a lot of organisation and shouting at people to return kit! Don’t worry about it though, as long as you are prepared and forward-thinking, it won’t be a problem. I (Matt) will speak to whoever is lucky to be elected kit sec to do a full handover of kit and documents.

Updated for the 2016 AGM.